Thursday, December 18, 2008
Received calls from Kestler and Klement today, just to make sure i woke up and meet them before 1030. Was still late anyway but fortunately Egin and JiaJun were late too. So meet up with YunRun along the way and we set off to Ehub. Reach there at about 11 plus, and as usual, feel a bit sick during the ride. Went to buy tickets to watch Twilight for the 1630 timing. Change of plans from having lunch at Subway to Mac, meet up with Erni and Yushan. Quite regret after the meal, as I started having stomachache. So went to the washroom while the rest proceed to the bowling alley.
Went to slack with YunRun and Egin after returning from the washroom. We sit on the chairs while the rest were playing bowling. So we are like watching this expensive leisure and rot on the seats at the same time, haha. Then after a few minutes, YunRun and I went to explore Ehub even though we knew Ehub is almost as void as void decks. Went back to the bowling alley and sit down and watch again. Then watch awhile more, after about 20 to 30 minutes of rotting i think, YunRun gets thirsty.
So along with Egin, we went to Fairprice. Then we were like crapping in there. We went pass the freezers and were like talking about organs transplanting being free and easily for Egin, haha. We all started laughing and soon came back to the original topic, buying drinks. Then in the end, we did not buy a single thing out from there. Then went to Old Chang Kee to buy food instead, and we joke about the signboard too. Went back in again and saw Nadhirah there, watching bowling too, haha. So was like watching them play for only about 5 minutes before YunRun gets thirsty again. Went back to get drinks, 7-UP Revive and Coke Zero.
Then YunRun dirtied his hands and went to the washroom. We saw Ena and Joanne along the way back. Forgot to ask them why they are here, because of a stupid crap that YunRun started off and Kestler continued. Then at the last throw for Kestler and Klement, i said as long as the person strike, i will buy him popcorn, and yes, Kestler strike, haha.Anyway, we shifted from bowling alley to arcade. Only played table soccer as i wasnt quite interested with the other machines, haha.
Finally, time to watch Twilight! Was a bit disappointed as the commercials played made me took this show as an action-packed movie, but it a romance movie. Starting of the movie was quite slow actually but was very nice as it developed. And yes, crapping do not stop outside the cinema, it comes all the way in, its embarrassing and funny at the same time, haha. After the movie, stomachache again.
Went to Nazsry's house after that and have a cup of lychee. Then went to Punggol Plaza with JiaJun and YunRun, had my dinner there, then back home.
i will never let you fall...
...i'll stand up for you forever
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Woke up about 8 plus today, and yes, that is very early for me, haha. Accompany my mother to Tampines. We went there to celebrate my nephew's first month on Earth, haha. I knew that i became his uncle about a few days ago, after my aunt rang up to invite us for the celebration.
We were supposed to be there by 1100, to meet up with my aunts first, but we reach at 1130. Then my mother and I thought that we would be very late however when we reach there, my aunts are not ready yet. The first thing that my aunts said to me is, "Wa, Ah Lun, you so tall le huh?". Later, we went over to my cousin's house. A good thing about his house: it is within walking distance, haha. Then my cousin show me the way to his baby. i do not know what will he be calling me, but i will be calling his name, Dylon Chua Cheng Xing!

Then my cousin also got food catering for us so had my lunch there. Did not ate much there, maybe it was due to the atmosphere, not really sure. Then i realized one thing during the conversation with one of my cousin: the rest of my cousins are all working. Then i was like thinking: darn! I'm the only one not working, haha. So bid farewell to my nephew, who was sleeping at that time, which i was suppose to be too, haha.
Then went back to my old residential area. They were revamping the area, adding elevators to every level. So was like standing outside a lift, then decided to crap a bit. So i tell my mom that there is an elevator here. So i board it and my mom follow. Then i tell my mom to press 8, which was the original level we once lived in in the block. She pressed it and when the lift door closed, she asked, "where are we going?". Then my reply is, "I DON'T KNOW!", haha.
Then went to see my maternal family. Then when my grandparents saw me they said, "who are you?", haha. Then they say i grown tall too, haha. Chat with them and ate the popiahs they made, and it was marvellous, haha. Bid farewell to them after finished watching a show.
Then was planning to dragged my mom to Subway, before she said she do not like it. So we moved on to Mac instead. But i got myself something different this time, Mega McSpicy. Quite nice, and its a large serving, haha.
i will never let you fall...
...i'll stand up for you forever
Monday, December 1, 2008
Forget to mention one very important thing, haha. Thank you ChingLing for the present you give me. Its very nice and makes me think of Harry Potter, haha.
Very very tired today, haha. Went to school in the morning for photography session. Change into no.1 and blazer for the shoot. Taken only a few pictures before passing to Abel as it was my turn to be taken.
Seriously, how i hate to be taken under the lens. My face was like turning numb from smiling because its really very difficult for me to smile when you know that someone will be taking your picture. I was forcing myself to smile and i know the picture will turn out to be very awkward but... NO CHOICE, hahaha.
Taken a lot of pictures, i think i took about 7 to 8, and was still thinking about how to smile, lol. Heard a lot of solutions such as showing the teeth but it is not smiling, it doing Colgate advertisement, haha just joking. And yes, cheering does make me smile but I still find it difficult to maintain, haha. Had fun today but was tired, do not really know why.
Later went with Klement, Jillian, Zhi Huan and Doreen to Compass Point to have Subway. The food there was delicious. I think i should really try out other favour the next time and not stick to Parmesan Chicken Teriyaki though its.... good, haha.
i will never let you fall...
...i'll stand up for you forever