Trying to revise the previous night when i realised nothing could get into my head, so i decided to scrape the studies and went to sleep. It was about 8pm then, which was really early. I was hoping that it will be a deep sleep, which i will only wake up at 6am the next day, but it did not go as i had planned.
Woke up at 12:04am. Had problems going back to sleep after that. Went out to eat my sister's snack, thinking that if i fill up my stomach, i will sleep better. However, the portion was too small to get me to sleep. I ended up adjusting my sleeping posture. And when i finally sleep, it is just a momentarily relieve. i felt that i woke up as soon as i sleep. So it went on with me waking up 3 to 4 times before the alarm sound.
I think i was quite alert after that "force-sleep" process, haha. So make my own breakfast, a cup of milo and half-boiled eggs. The water used to boil the eggs is not as hot as i wanted, so you could really guess how cooked the egg really is. It is still edible though, haha.
Was quite nervous because its Paper 1, hardly did well for it and also it is the paper that controls the grade, do not think i was as nervous as i took it the very first time. The paper went quite smoothly, which cause me to be quite elated after the examination. Paper 2 was quite alright, at least i got the energy to finish the paper, and not as tired as the previous year's paper. Should get better than last year, i hope...
i will never let you fall... ...i'll stand up for you forever
♠ L Desu
Name: Aloysius Chua
Age: 20
♠ Sweeties
Helping People
Outdoor Sports
Listening to Music
♠ Non-Sweeties
♠ Leadership Quotes
"The heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow