Wednesday, March 9, 2011
0 comments @ 11:14:00 PM

After this job, i think we should at least give door-to-door salespersons a chance to promote. Rejecting them without even knowing what they are selling, really pisses them off, and yes, from personal experience. There are 2 kind of people, one is those that shut you up before you say anything, the other is those that shut you up as you need not say anything.

The first kind of people, opened the door when you knocked, deprived you of your chance to speak by saying 'no' immediately, and shut the door. We spent time and effort thinking of different ways of selling, such as how should we approach the customers. We take 'no' for an answer when you, at the very least, let us tell you what we're selling. I bet you won't die with 2 mins, or even lesser, lessen from your life.

The second kind of people, were kind of funny, they peeked through the peephole, thinking that we do not know they're looking through it. Knows that you're outside waiting, but they just refused to open the door. You made your way to the door, make an effort to look through the peephole, so will it kill you just to turn a freaking knob to open the door, give me that 2 mins of your life, and rejects me after that?

YunRun and I always dread starting work. Because when we thought of working, it makes us think of the pricey ice-creams. So we'll feel guilty whenever we clinched any sales. Even though when we sell the ice-creams, we say actual facts instead of cooking up stories, such as we're from a single parent family or sort, which is no difference to cursing our parents, like our other 'colleagues' would, charging the ice-creams at a high price still results in us feeling guilty. So we're really grateful for people whom had bought our ice-creams.

Most of the time I was with YunRun. Still remember how pathetic was the earnings of my first day, $7 for 3 hours, which was $2+ per hour. YunRun and I was joking about using the money to top up our ez-link card, which was still insufficient, hahaha, so we changed to finishing it off in a meal. But the rest of the days were much better. Due to kind and generous customers, we had earnings between $6 to $12 per hour, which is a vast difference from our first day.

Seriously, I think dogs are really loyal animals. They barked behind the gates and doors when I'm just reaching out for the doorbell, sometimes even before i get pressed them. I'm really sure we didn't managed to clinch any sales with houses that have dogs. But still, they are really adorable, haha. Speaking of doorbells, most of them in Sengkang, seemed to have spoil. I had seen a house with 3 doorbells installed, and all 3 didn't worked, lol.

i will never let you fall...
...i'll stand up for you forever

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
0 comments @ 6:00:00 PM

I used to think that certain jobs are a waste of time. Jobs that have earnings that are too little or irregular, jobs which really do not give any sense of accomplishment at the end of the day and etc.

But this holiday, my thoughts are different. I'll need to hop on to any job that chanced upon and have a strong urge to try different kind of jobs. JianLong introduce me to selling door-to-door ice-creams. Its a kind of job that doesn't show any sense of stability, in terms of the place i work in and the amount of money i earned.

Hesitated for a short while when i was first told about the job. I was against the idea at first, but after knowing the job details, which is to promote in Sengkang area, very near my house, for just 3 hours at night, when i would most like be surfing internet mindlessly,I agreed to it.

Along with YunRun and JiaJun, the 4 of us embarked on our new part-time job. However, jobs that could be a waste of time are not necessary equal to idiot-proof jobs. Selling ice-cream to different households meant that you will meet different kind of reactions, these will call for different approaches. Meet different kind of attitudes and perceptions, in which you'll have to deal with them positively.

This job, somehow, allows me to have a taste of entrepreneurship. I get to set the price of the ice-cream I'm selling, the amount of goods that I planned to sell and bargain with the customers.

i will never let you fall...
...i'll stand up for you forever

♠ L Desu

Name: Aloysius Chua
Age: 20

♠ Sweeties

Helping People
Outdoor Sports
Listening to Music

♠ Non-Sweeties


♠ Leadership Quotes

"The heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

♠ F.B.I

| (<4>)Ë(<1>)| Abel | Alena | ChingLing | Clarice | Darunee | Daryl | Emelyne | Ena | Fatin | Geraldine | Glenn | Hafizam | HuiXuan | Ian | Isa | Jacob | Jasmine | JiaJun | JinChen | JingYi | Joel | Kelvin | LeeShuYi | LiJun | Rafidah | Randolph | Sandy | Sherrill | TienJieJun | WeiTian | WeiTing | WeiXiong | XueFang | Ziyi |

♠ Reminiscence

..November 2007

..December 2007

..January 2008

..June 2008

..July 2008

..August 2008

..September 2008

..October 2008

..November 2008

..December 2008

..January 2009

..February 2009

..March 2009

..April 2009

..May 2009

..June 2009

..August 2009

..October 2009

..November 2009

..December 2009

..January 2010

..March 2010

..April 2010

..June 2010

..February 2011

..March 2011

..June 2011

..July 2011

..August 2011

..September 2011

..March 2012

..April 2012

..August 2012

..March 2013

♠ Credits

Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket
Images - Deviant ART
Brushes - All brushes creator